Thursday, July 19, 2012


"Finally, this house is clean!" Nicki said out loud to herself while throwing her hands in the air. She had been so busy with India, who was now 3 months, finalizing the adoption for Patrice, and with Caleb about to start Head Start. "At least I got something accomplished." she whispered putting the vacuum away in the closet. Just to break the moment of peace, India awoke from her nap and all you could her were her loud, ear piercing cries. She sighed and ran to India's room.

"Did you have a good nap? Yes you did! Yes you did!" Nic picked her up from her white crib and placed her in her arms and her crying finally stopped. "You're probably hungry!" she placed India back in her crib before she went downstairs to the kitchen to get her her bottle that was already prepared. 

Nicki was so glad that she could relax for most of the day. Ever since Safaree was so focused building his franchise with his jewelry collection titled 'Zayer' he had been traveling a lot and had been busier as usual. But, with the help Of Mulan who had helped Nicki when she had complications with her pregnancy she had been able to take a break from her career and concentrate on her family.

"You're such a good baby!" Nicki cooed as she was feeding India her bottle. After about 15 minutes of feeding and burping she was getting restless again so it was time for another nap. All she did was sleep! That's what she loved to do. So, she wasn't that much of a handful. As Nic made her way to the living room, PaPa, Munchkin, Safaree, and Patrice come running in with bags full of toys and clothes. 

"PaPa, why are you crying? What's wrong?" questioned Nicki as she noticed him pouting in the doorway.

"Daddy said I can't have big boy supplies for school!" He cried unfolding his arms and running to his mom for a hug.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked placing him on her lap. 

"I know you wanted to go to school with the others but mommy couldn't register you because your birthday comes late so you get to go next year." She studied his facial expression. As she expected, it was blank.. full of tears. "Aren't you exited for Head Start?"

He shook his head no.

"Are you gonna be a big boy and use your words like you always do or are you gonna shake your head no at me?"

"Are the kids at brotherhood sisterhood gonna be at Head Start with me?" 

"Most of them are!" A smile grew upon his face. "There's that smile I like to see!" She tickled him causing him to inch off of her leg and onto the floor. His laugh was adorable.

'Brotherhood, Sisterhood' was an organization that did sports, arts and crafts, music classes, and much for kids ages 4-14. Since Nicki was previously teaching Caleb a little bit of the basics at home it was now Sumer and he needed something to do and he needed to be around kids. To no suprise, he adapted exceptionally well. There was a little altercation between some of the other boys but he handled the situation with ease. Nic sponsored them and would always give generous donations to the organization. The amounts varied monthly. But, at the end of the day she knew her books were right because she had the right people looking over them and she would always double check.

"Where's India, Nicki?" Safaree asked.

"In her crib. I just fed her and she went back to sleep."

"Well, I'm gonna take her to the clothing store with me for a meeting."

"Faree, if you take her you're gonna be caught up in everything and not going to pay any attention to her."

"Yes, I will!" She rolled her eyes as he went to get India from her room.

"Carseat." Nicki didn't even have to look up from the television to notice he was forgetting several important things.

"Right." He said making his way to the door about to open it before Nicki interrupted him.

"Diapers. Bottles. Pacifier. And Toys. Safaree!!!" She threw her hands in the hair. "How are you forgetting this stuff?"

"I'm sorry, babe." He leaned in for a kiss before leaving but she rejected it. "Don't be like this, Nic."

She ignored the comment. "Isn't Baby supposed to be helping you? Why don't you ask her to come." Nicki adjusted herself on the couch. Baby knew how to deal with India very well. Not saying Safaree didn't, but she wanted her there just in case.

"Baby come to the living room." Safaree said into the intercom as he rolled his eyes.


"Baby you should go to the clothing store with Safaree! He always says how you like to help him! You aren't doing anything." suggested Nicki

"Um, I might have plans tonight." She messed with her bracelet Safaree gave her from the Jewelry store.

"Oh. My time to leave." He took hold of the Louis Vuitton baby bag, the carseat with India in it, and made his way out the front door.

"I was wondering if I can go to this party in Calabasas.." Baby stood on her tippy toes with a nervous smile on her face.

Nicki placed the remote down beside her with an uncertain face.

"Ma, please can I go!"

 "You know what, don't do that Patrice. Don't play me like that!"

"What are you talking about? I just asked you a question! Why are you getting so mad?" She followed Nicki once she got up.

"Don't Patrice. Just don't."

"Don't what!! Can you stop? This isn't funny!" Baby stepped in front of Nicki, cutting her off.

"You're dead ass doing this right now?" Nicki asked raising her voice.

"Fine then. I don't care anymore." Baby snapped making her way to her room as Nicki went the other direction. "

Her room was filled with toys from Caleb and Sheldon. They wanted to have a mini movie night in her room the night before.

"PaPa!! Come clean this up!" Baby said into the intercom that led into his room. He ran to her room with slunched shoulders and a pout.

"Pick all these toys up. I have friends coming over" She demanded pointing to the mess he made. He could tell she had an attitude.

Within 5 minutes, he had all his toys picked up. "Done!" He cheesed really hard.

"Good. Where is Munchkin?"

"He's watching a movie." He sat on her bed.

"Do you guys want any snacks?

"No. Can I go back to my room now? I'm missing the good part!" He stomped!


Baby didn't understand why Nicki was upset one bit. The fact that she casually called her mom didn't pass her mind at all. But, for one thing she was pissed off. She could never do anything right when it comes to Nicki. She's so hard to please. Patrice decided to text her 3 friends so they can come over and comfort her. The three that Nicki trusted and knew. Rico, a gay, sexy, long haired puerto rican. He's always had a dream of getting on a beat with Nicki but she would never let him be great. McKenzie, the white brunette who thinks she's bi-racial because her stepdad is black. Lastly, you have Nyah. She understands Baby the most out of everyone. They've been through similar hardships obstacles, they're eachothers rocks. Since Patrice got her iPhone, she has over 50 cases and headphones to match them. Now, she was using a case that on the back was the UK flag symbol and it spread all the over the back of the phone. To hit all three of them up at the same time, she used group chat since they all had iPhone's.

Patrice: Do you guys wanna come over? I can't go to that party tonight :/ My mom's being a guard dog. I didn't tell her who was all going. She shut me down before I could. Then she flipped out for no reason & I'm like.. k.
Rico: I'm sorry :/ What time do you want us over?
Nyah: :o
McKenzie: Damn girl yo mama trippin
Patrice: Lmao :/ Kenzie stop being so black. & you guys can come over now if you want. Who's parents are gonna drop yall off? 
Nyah: you know my dad gets lost tryna make it to yall big ass house
Rico: My mom will pick yall up. See you in 20  Trice (:
Patrice: Yay! Thank you (:

Baby knew she had to tidy up the house a little if her friends were going to come over. Within 40 minutes, she looked out of her window behind her bed to see Rico, Nyah, and Kenzie getting out of the car. She ran downstairs and Caleb followed. "Go help Munchkin down the stairs Caleb! You know he wants to come!"

"I don't wanna help him! He frowned. Baby sighed.

"You know what.." She ran up the stairs, picked up Sheldon, and he automatically started crying. "You're so funny acting!" She said to him. Just to her luck, Rico kept ringing the door bell. "Watch him PaPa!" She set him down and went to go answer the door.

"Ay dios mio! Hace Calor!" Rico yelled coming through the door.

"Don't come in here yelling! My moms in the basement and I don't want her to come up here!"

"It's hot as hell out there!" McKenzie made clear.

"You said a bad word!!" Caleb laughed. Patrice shot Kenzie a death glare.

"Your room. Take Munchkin with you. Now."

"Ay dio me! Hace Color!" Caleb mocked Rico running up the steps.

The 4 of them made their way to the entertainment room but Patrice stopped because she wanted to hear what Nicki was saying.

"Are we eavesdropping?" asked Nyah

"Safaree. I just don't know whats gotten into her lately. She thinks she can play me with that and that isn't rolling with me. I don't get it. It isn't like her at all. Patrice knows how I feel about that. Calling me mom just so she can get her way? No. I don't think it's cute!" Her voice grew louder. "It's harsh. How is it okay to  play with someone's emotions like that?" The sound of her voice faded as baby closed the door.

"I can't believe she would think that way." Baby ran up to her room with her friends behind her.

"Close the door, Rico." She demanded with tears streaming down her face.

"I don't understand why in the world she would think something like that! When I called her that, I meant it from the heart. I'm not that type of person! You guys know that, right?" She grabbed a pillow from her bed and sunk to the floor.

"Of course we do, Trice! She probably wasn't expecting for you to call her that if you haven't been doing it." Nyah asserted.

"I know! But it came out naturally. I know exactly what me calling her mom means to her and I would never play with her emotions like she's saying I did. I don't even wanna try to explain to her."

"You gotta talk to her! She won't be mad at you forever, girl! Nicki loves you!" reasoned McKenzie handing  Baby a tissue.

"Girl you betta be lucky cuz in Puerto Rico if you woulda threw a fit they woulda placed you in a bathtub of cold water!" Rico said fixing his hair in her mirror. The three of them looked at him like he was stupid. "What!! I'm just saying, dang! Blame the gay Puerto Rican!"

Trice sighed.

"So.. do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Nyah asked nervously attempting to brighten up the mood. "You have the Notebook."

"Too lovey. Nicki used to love me." Baby said staring into space.

"You have 'Taken For Me' with Taraji! Girl, that movie is bomb." Nyah exclaimed browsing through her collection of movies.

"Too dramatic. Nicki's dramatic."

"What about SALT with Angelina Jolie? She's a bad bitch!"

"No! Nyah, thats Nicki's favorite movie! Can we not right now?" Baby buried her face into her pillow.

"Trice, you and Nicki are just having a mis-understanding!" McKenzie crawled over to her and wrapped her arms around her. "She still loves you!! I promise." Baby leaned her head on her shoulder.

"Yeah, everything is going to be okay. She's an understanding person you just have to tell her how you feel."

"You guys don't get it! She is so stubborn, and she always thinks that she's right!"

"Well, this is your chance to prove to her that she isn't!" laughed Kenzie.

"Thank you so much guys. I really appreciate it. You guys can go get ready for Kiara's party without me."

"This is the biggest back to school bash every! Nu uh honey, you is coming with us!" Rico barked. He walked downstairs looking for Nicki who he just called "Trice's mom"

"Oh My God. We have to go get him!" Nyah said pulling Baby up from her spot.

"Trice's Mom! Where you at?! Where you beez at?!" He yelled through the house getting food from the refrigerator.

"Rico! What are you doing? I don't wanna talk-"

Baby turned around and Nicki was opening the basement door.

"Oh! I didn't know you guys were here!" Nic surprisingly said. Baby turned the other way.

"Yeah. Uhmm. Maybe you guys should head back out. Safaree is gonna be back soon." Patrice stated.

"I ain't leavin until I get to record my song! You wanna hear what I got Trice's mom? Aiight It go like this." He made a beat on the granite counter top.

"Rico be my name and im a puerto rican guy!
I'm sexy and I'm fly at the same dang time!
My daddy is the man yeah all we get is money
Chillin wit Trice yeah she is really funny.
PaPa imitate me but its all good in the hood
Cuz I ride this beat like you wish you could"

"Ayeeeeeeeeee!" Nyah clapped.

"Wow!!!! You know what, write me your best verse and If I like it then we can get on it soon!" Nicki said rolling her eyes and taking a seat but Rico didn't catch the eyeroll.


"I charge 100,000 for a verse baby boy!"

"Ugh! I don't have the time for you!" Rico said slamming his water bottle.

"Okay. You guys can leave now. That party is starting in like 2 hours, you need time to get ready." Baby repeated a second time.

McKenzie shot her a "Are you serious?" look.

"But Trice! You have to-"

"Yeah guys. I agree. Safaree is going to be home any minute! But you know you guys are welcome here anytime!" said Nic with a smile.

Baby walked them to the door and met with them outside.

"I'm sorry! I'll let you know if anything changes. Thanks for putting up with me." Ashamed, she looked down and sat on the steps.

"It's all good, Trice! I just texted my dad, he said he'll be here in 10" McKenzie said.

Baby looked to her right and noticed Caleb's green Frisbee he got from 'Brotherhood, Sisterhood' was stuck in the bushes. She grabbed it, examined it, and placed it in front of her. Rico took it and Nyah ran into the middle of the street ready to catch it while Kenzie took a seat next to Baby.

"Yo! Rico, you can not throw to save your life!" Nyah ducked as the Frisbee came toward her and hit a persons mailbox. Baby just shook her head.

"They're crazy." she mumbled drawing circles on the ground. Within about 7 or 9 minutes McKenzie's dad stopped in front of their house and Baby got up to say hi.

"Hi, Mr. Garner!" she said to Kenzie's step-dad.

"Hey, Patrice! How's Nicki doing?"

She bowed her head for a quick second at the question. "Uh, she's fine!"

Rico opened up the door for Nyah.

"Bye, Trice! Text me, beautiful!" Rico waved from inside the car as the car started up.

"Alright! Bye you guys!"

Walking back in the door, Baby sighed. Nicki was still sitting at the same spot on her blackberry not paying her any mind. 'Should I say something or ignore her' she thought to herself.

"Are you gonna say anything to me or not?"

"What is there to say, Patrice?"

"Why did you spazz out on me when I asked you can I go to the party? Don't say you know what you did, because I really don't. I can never please you! I can never make YOU happy! I'm always doing something wrong."

Nic sighed. "Trice, sit!" She turned the chair towards her.

"Fine." Baby made her way over to the chair to sit next to Nicki.

"So you're not gonna tell me yourself? I have to hear it through the basement door. You KNOW that isn't me! I would never do that! When I called you that it came from the heart and it came naturally. No way was I doing that to get my way. I genuinely mean it."

"Baby.. I'm sorry."

"I can't believe you would think I would do something like that." She whispered.

"You had never called me that before so I thought it was weird that you would call me mom only when you wanted something. I was offended, Trice."

"I don't know why!!" She rolled her eyes.

Nicki grabbed her hand. "Baby, don't do this. I'm sorry for saying that stuff. It was just out of anger."

"You promise?"

"Yes! The least I can do is let you go to the party if you still wanna go."

"Nah, I'm fine!"

Baby was still annoyed with everything so she just forgot about the party. Now wasn't the time.


"Let's see. She's changed. Fed. Not in a bad mood. Wow!! I'm impressed, babe!"

Safaree leaned in for a kiss on the cheek.

"What's for dinner tonight, love of my life?"

"Hmm, I don't feel like cooking! Can you?"

"If I do all I'm doing is Hamburger Helper!" He made clear.

"Do that then."

Caleb came running down the steps at full speed into the kitchen to take his spot at the dinner table.

"Dinner isn't ready yet, PaPa!" Nicki told him.

"I'm hungry, mommy!!" He kicked his legs under the table.

"Can you do me a favor? Can you go get India's blanket from her room?" Nic picked India up from her pink baby carriage and held her close to her. Within a matter of seconds, he was back with the blanket and layed it out in the middle of the living room floor for her.

"Thank you, PaPa!" Nicki made her way to the living room and placed India on the blanket with toys surrounding her. "Are you gonna play with her while I look for my phone?"

"Yeah." He rattled a toy in her face while Nicki checked her pockets. With no luck at all, she picked up the house phone and dialed her number. She heard a faint ring somewhere in the house and started to follow it. Nicki knocked on Baby's door.

"Is my phone in here?"

She nodded her head no. "Crap!" Nic whispered. No luck in the boys room, India's room, the bathroom, the movie theater, and the bathroom. As she made her way down the grand staircaise, India was throwing a fit. If she couldn't see Nicki, all hell would break loose. Running down the hallway to the living room, PaPa met her halfway to hand her her 'My Time Now' special. If India couldn't see her at the moment, she would sit and watch tv as long as she saw her face.

"You want me to get your phone, Mommy?" Caleb asked pressing the play button on the DVD player.

"I think it's in the studio on my stand inside the booth."

"K." He nodded his head and jogged toward the basement door.

"Walk down the steps, Caleb!" Safaree yelled.

'What a relief!' Nicki thought to herself.

"You see mommy! You see mommy!" Nicki cheesed. India rattled her toy and smiled.

"Here ya go!" PaPa handed Nicki her 'Blackberry Bold 9930' with touch screen capability.

"Can I play games on it?" He asked.

"Yes, you may!"

"Dinner is ready!" He said through the intercom into Baby's room.

"Otay!" Munchkin replied running out of Baby's room waiting at the top of the stairs. He turned around.
"Ion wanna go down!" He walked to her and hugged her legs as she was coming towards him. Sheldon  stepped back and held his arms out for her to pick him up.

"C'mon buddy!"

The two of them made their way down to the kitchen to find Caleb and Safaree already seated.

"Where did Nicki go?" He got up and washed his hands.

"I just saw her walk down the hallway, think she went to go pick put India to sleep!" said Baby.

They took their normal spots as Nicki came into the kitchen.

"Munchkin, you have to sit right!" Nic told him. He crossed his legs indian style in the chair. "No. That's not the way." He then scooted to the front of the chair. "I'm only going to ask you one more time, Sheldon." He sighed and scooted all the way back in his chair."

"Thank you!" Nicki took her seat.

"Okay, Munchkin. THIS, is a fork. THIS, is a spoon. THAT, is a cup. THIS, is a napkin!" He picked up the different items as he was saying them. Caleb has been trying to teach him to use his utensils for a while now but he hasn't been catching on. Safaree passed around the big bowl of Hamburger Helper around the table. Caleb put Sheldon's helping on his plate for him. He started to grab the noodle with his finger but Safaree stopped him.

 "No! Munchkin, take the fork!" Sheldon grabbed the napkin. "No, that's not fork!" He held up the fork to show him the correct utensil, then he finally caught on.

"Yay!!!!!" Nicki clapped.

"You wanna lead the prayer, Baby?" asked Safaree.

"No! I do! I do!" Caleb waved his hand in the air!

"Okay. Go."

"God is great. God is good. Let us thank-" He stopped and opened his eyes when Safaree's phone rung. Nicki side-eyed him. He got up and went outside to take the call. Nicki hated when this happened. At the end of the day, dinner time was a family time that she valued the most and Safaree always had more important calls to take. Within 15 minutes, he came back into the house heading to their master bedroom. Nicki got up and followed him.

"Where are you going?" She asked leaning against the door as he got his jacket out of the closet.

"I have to go to the clothing store. We got a shipment in but its not what I wanted. The colors are all wrong. I can't have that."

"Safaree! You did this two nights ago. Can you just sit and have dinner with your family? Please."

"You know I would love too but Greg doesn't know how to deal with this yet with him just starting the job."

"Did you know you had a shipment?"

"Uh, no."

"Bullshit, Safaree."

"Nicki, please don't do this! I'll be back before you know it." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and made his way out the door.

"Daddy! Where are you going?" Caleb asked running to him before he opened the door knob."

"I'll be back. Okay?"


PaPa pouted and sat back in his chair.

"Mommy, where did daddy go?"  Nicki ran her hands through her hair as she entered the kitchen.

"Daddy went to work!"

Sheldon sighed at his plate.

"Finish the prayer, PaPa!" she tried to hold her composure.

"God is great. God is good. Let us thank him for our food."

Nicki smiled a soft smile.


  1. Uh oh I can already tell its gon be some shit in this one

  2. Oh yay I thought if never read one of these again. So I thought she already called nicki mom. And her friends are crazy. I can't believe Nicki really thought baby was only calling her mom to get her way. She should know her better han that. Wow Nicki is stressed with all the busy bodies in the house. And safaree sure Is gone alot with his store he better not be cheating -_-

  3. Wow cant believe nicki thought she was only calling her that cause she wanted something she should know baby better than that. And safaree needs to spend some time with his family and not so much at the store. Poor nic all stressed. Aww caleb and munchkin are cute. I'm glad baby talked to nic but I think baby still soon

  4. YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. YAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. WOOOOOP WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP. Lmaoooo ! Rico is funny. Aw I feel bad that Nicki thought Baby only called her "mom" because she wanted something. I'm happy they talked about it though. I have a feeling Safaree is gonna be spending too much time at the store and not enough with the family and it's gonna stress Nicki out and cause problems :( Anyway, CONTINUE ^_^

  5. Djdjdiekjkkndssjdideodmcdisiskkdskddomskskemmdmxxksososs,ddkskdjdjjdjjdjdjdjdjjjdoskksksksxossks,mmxmxxmskkeoskdkkdkd,ddkskdjdjjdjjdjdjdjdjjjdoskksksksxossks mssmxdmddkkdeososoodsososoosoossodoosossolss
    YASS MY FAVE STORY IS BACK!!!!!!! Yo nicki is really tripping she knows trice is not like tht so why did she think that! I have a feeling even though NIC apologized they're gonna be haves silent treatment contest again! But no I am NOT here for caleb not trying to help his bro down the steps! Does he think he's too grown to be helping him? Uh not I won't have tht lol but no seriously I'm REALLY not here for SAFAREE not knowing where to draw the line with work like they have a new baby he can't be leaving her like this! It's gonna mess up their family bond even the kids are missing him already! I have a feeling they're going to have a rough patch again like they did in GML. I wonder if NIC gonna be super mad when he gets home or act like nothing happened?? OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! I MISSED THIS STORY SOOOO MUCH THANK U FOR BRING IT BACK UPDATE SOON PLZZZZZ

  6. Yuuuuuuuuuuuussssss!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so happy to be reading one of these again!!!!!! This was amazing.

    I felt for Baby though because that isn't like her to do something like that and Nicki should know that.

    And Safaree better stop dippin out and poppin up whenever he want to. We all know Nic gone nip that in the bud the next time that shit happen.

    And I sooooooo have friends like Baby's. Lmao.

    This was extremely good Mulan, hope your M&G with Nic is phenomenal!!

  7. yessssssssssssssss poor baby i cant believe nicki would think that baby would play with her emotions like that *shrugs* and sb needs to be at home with his fam. all this stuff has nicki stressed out

  8. aww papa wanted to start school.and how safaree gonna want to take india out with him but forget everything... wow a coon is slacking im glad nicki and baby talked it how but why would nicki think shes just calling her mom to go out did she not think about how long shes had baby and she is a mothr figure. and dead at baby being mad dramatic and every movie her friend picks out reminds her of nicki. cant wait till the next post

  9. Dead @ me just now finding this. Please don't stop writing. :(
